There are no hard and fast rules about how to prepare for an acupuncture appointment, but there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your treatment. We’ll be providing you with basics such as what to wear, what to drink, whether to eat, how much time to...
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Episode #1 Breath
2020 is a year that is testing us all, in so many ways. How many times in the last six months have you said to yourself, “just breathe… just breathe…”? It is no coincidence that my new On Point: A Dive into Acupuncture online video series debuts with an episode on the...
Understanding Your Acupuncturist: Qi and Meridians
Allopathic physicians, those that practice “conventional” medicine, use vocabulary and special terminology to identify conditions happening within the body, their causes, tests, and treatments. These include terms like mastitis, heart attack, cystic fibrosis,...