Here we’re using the word “Washingtonian” as a synonym for “insanely busy.” So part of this warm-up’s perfection is that it’s QUICK while still being thorough. Plus, it has a great dramatic name:
(followed by the DYNAMIC STRETCH, both by Funk Roberts)
How better to warm up than like a Spartan? And with DYNAMISM. Anyhow, the warm-up gets your blood flowing in about 4 minutes. Then you spend another 10-ish minutes doing the DYNAMIC STRETCH routine.
Effective without being annoying
Just follow the short videos a few times and you’ll find that they’re both surprisingly easy to memorize. And despite the hardcore name (SPARTAN!!!!), you don’t feel like you’re going to die or anything. So it’s effective, but not too jarring if you’re coming straight out of bed.
Spartan Dynamic Warm Up Routine #1
Dynamic Stretch Warm Up Routine
NOTE: You do NOT need to look like this guy to complete the warm-up.
A little goes a long way
But my FAVORITE thing about this warm-up and stretch is the realization that it doesn’t really have to lead to anything. Sure, it can prep you for the best jog or blood-vessel popping workout of your life, but sometimes, ain’t nobody got time for that.
Sometimes it’s just nice to get warmed up for the DAY, because that can be an epic workout in and of itself. (I’m a slow learner, and it took me a while to realize and accept that a small dose of physical activity is better than none at all.) Even this short warm-up/stretch routine has the capacity to wake me up, lighten my mood and feel more solid, particularly in the mornings.
What you’ll actually be doing
Here’s a sneak peak at the warm ups and stretches in the videos we’re recommending:
Spartan Dynamic Warm Up
- Jumping jacks
- Seal jacks
- Fighter stance hops
- Skiers – front and back
- Side-to-side hops
- Twists
- Crossover jacks
- Alternate side knee lifts
Dynamic Stretch
- Toe and heel lifts
- Foot circles
- Ankle rotations
- Knee circles
- Hip circles
- Spinal rotations
- Lateral side flex
- Arm circles
- Chest Breast Stroke
- Reverse/Back Stroke
- Elbow circles
- Wrist circles
- Finger waves (yes, even your fingers)
- Knee extension squats
- Side lunges
Again, these are by Funk Roberts. I’d like to shake his hand someday, but that would probably be at the peril of my own.