Neck pain is a very common symptom that we see at our Washington DC acupuncture clinic. And it’s a symptom that we have successfully helped many clients with over the years. Here is our holistic approach to healing neck pain.
Common causes of neck pain
- Injury
- Stress
- Poor posture
- Bad sleep setup (mattress, pillow, etc)
- Ergonomics
- Inflammation
- Lack of muscle flexibility
- Lack of joint mobility
- Shallow breathing / tight diaphragm
How we address neck pain holistically
Identify the cause of your neck pain
We do so mainly by asking questions centered around the 9 points listed above. Also, what makes it better and worse, what you’ve tried already, and any diagnoses you’ve gotten from your doctor, physical therapist, or other practitioners.
One important factor in neck pain is to see if tension in the mid and upper back is related in any way to your neck pain. If it is, then treating your back tension will be an important part of getting your neck back into shape.
Identify the location and nature of the pain (sharp, dull, burning, etc).
This is essential for helping us select your acupuncture points.
Diagnose your condition from a Chinese Medicine perspective
This will help us discover if inflammation or other key factors are playing a role in your condition.
Discuss the role that stress plays in your neck pain
For some people it is a primary factor, for others not a big factor at all.
Create a customized treatment plan for your neck pain
Based on the information from your new patient appointment, we will construct a treatment plan that is customized to your specific needs. One of the things we’re passionate about here at Transformational Acupuncture is helping you identify and address the root causes of your symptom, in addition to alleviating the symptom itself. This will give you the best chance of a long-term, sustainable recovery.
Here are the main strategies we suggest for a holistic approach to treating neck pain
- Acupuncture
- Cupping, Cranialsacral Therapy, Gua Sha, Reflexology
- A customized Chinese Herbal Medicine formula
- Anti-inflammatory diet
- Stretching routine that includes neck, back, shoulders, and hips
- Joint mobilization routine
- Desk ergonomics assessment
- MELT Method
- Posture correction through “Standing Meditation Qigong” exercises
- Stress and pain relief through mindfulness meditation and qigong exercises
- Breathing exercises to release muscle tension
- Application of heat (heating pad, etc)
We offer most of these services at the clinic:
- Acupuncture
- Herbal Medicine Consults
Some of these are treatments we’ll suggest you do at home. And when needed, we will collaborate with other practitioners and specialists to enhance your care.
Any questions? Please contact us and let us know.
If you would like to come in for an appointment, you can give us a call at (202) 297-7404 or schedule one online.