Breech Baby

How To Get a Breech Baby To Turn

Support the energy changes in your body to promote the natural position change of your baby.

Changing Breech Position

Most babies are in breech position at some point during pregnancy, but move into the head-first, vertex presentation around week 37. However, breech babies do occur in 3-4% of full-term pregnancies. This position can complicate delivery and may alter your birth plan. We’re here to give you options and provide guidance on creating the healthiest pregnancy possible.

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Our Holistic Approach to Turning a Breech Baby

The third trimester is an exciting time that comes with many of changes that can sometimes be a lot to handle. If your baby is in the breech position you may be wondering about your birth plan and your options are for delivery. We assess your entire situation and work with you to develop a plan to help naturally address your baby’s breech presentation.

How To Turn a Breech Baby Naturally

Turning a breech baby naturally is possible through several techniques. At our clinic we use acupuncture and moxibustion (moxa) or moxa by itself. These treatments address the energy changes that occur during this last stage of pregnancy and support the change in position of breech babies. Your treatment plan may include moxa or a combination of acupuncture and moxa.

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Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Breech Baby

As you know, there are many mental, physical, and energetic changes that happen to the body during pregnancy. In the third trimester, there is a shift from yin energy to yang as the pregnancy approaches full-term. The yang energy must begin to grow in preparation for labor and delivery. Pairing acupuncture and moxa support this shift in energy and also harmonize the energies of the Bladder, Kidney, and Heart. This support not only helps resolve breech presentation, but also eases many other aspects of pregnancy.

During treatment, patients can expect to have moxa and acupuncture needles placed on the feet, lower legs, and wrists. We recommend treatments twice per week starting at 34 weeks, but patients can start up to 36 weeks. The longer a patient waits to begin treatment, the lower the rate of success for resolving breech presentation. Results can vary based on a number of factors, however, patients may see results anywhere from 1-4 weeks of treatments. Moxa treatments result in a successful resolution of breech positioning for 1 in every 8 patients. [Vas et al]

Moxa for Breech Baby

Moxa therapy is the main treatment used for turning breech babies. Our smokeless stick moxa brings a healing warmth and promotes the shift from yin to yang energy needed for labor and delivery. In addition to helping move the baby to vertex presentation, moxa treatments also improve blood circulation and qi flow.

During treatment, patients can expect to have moxa sticks placed near the pinky toes. We recommend treatments twice per week starting at 34 weeks, but patients can start up to 36 weeks. The longer a patient waits to begin treatment, the lower the rate of success for resolving breech presentation. Results can vary based on a number of factors, however, patients may see results anywhere from 1-4 weeks of treatments. Moxa treatments result in a successful resolution of breech positioning for 1 in every 8 patients. 

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Maintaining Good Health Througout Your Pregancy


I believe that acupuncture was key to my success in getting pregnant and maintaining good health throughout the pregnancy.

I started acupuncture almost a year ago to complement my fertility treatments. It was a wonderful stress relief and helped my body and spirit during a very difficult period. Jeremy is a very positive person to work with. He is knowledgeable about various illnesses and suggests natural solutions for healing. In addition, he is sensitive to concerns and a good listener. I believe that acupuncture was key to my success in getting pregnant and maintaining good health throughout the pregnancy.

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Quiz – Is My Baby Breech?

Is My Baby Breech?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Breech Baby?

A breech baby is when the feet or buttocks are the closest part to the vagina instead of the baby’s head. If the baby is still in this position around week 37, your doctor may recommend trying to turn the baby through an external cephalic version (ECV) procedure. ECV is an external, hands-on manipulation of your belly that aims to move your baby to a head-first position. 

How Do You Know if Your Baby Is Breech?

You may realize your baby is in a breech position due to the movements within the womb. If you feel frequent movement in the lower part of your belly, this may be an indicator of breech position. Tell your doctor where you are feeling movement so they can check the baby’s position. An ultrasound may be used to confirm the position. 

How To Tell if Baby Is Breech Without Ultrasound

Movements felt in the lower part of the belly may be an indicator that your baby is in a breech position. If movements are still located in this area around week 37, talk to your doctor. 

What Causes a Baby To Be Breech?

Sometimes the cause of breech presentation is unknown. Breech baby can be more likely if having twins or multiples, there is a history of premature birth, there is too much or too little amniotic fluid, the placenta is covering part or all of the cervix, the baby is preterm, or if the baby has a birth defect. 

Why Are Breech Births Dangerous?

Breech births can be dangerous due to the complications that can arise during delivery, such as injuries to the baby’s arms and legs. Additionally, the umbilical cord can become twisted or flattened, causing a lack of oxygen to the baby which can result in nerve or brain injury. 

What Happens if Baby Is Breech?

A breech baby is not an issue until delivery. Delivery complications can result in bodily harm or mental issues to the baby. 

What Percentage of Babies Are Breech?

Around 3-4% of full-term pregnancies have breech presentation. 

When Do Breech Babies Turn?

Babies can be in breech position different times throughout the pregnancy, however, most babies turn around week 37. If the baby cannot be turned, most medical providers will recommend scheduling a c-section delivery. George Washington University Hospital has established a vaginal birth initiative (VBI) to increase access to, and training in, the process of vaginal breech delivery. The VBI is a collaborative care team composed of physicians and nurse-midwives that leads care of participating women.

How Late Can Breech Babies Turn?

Breech babies can turn anytime up until birth. There can be a risk of preterm labor or other complications when undergoing the EVC procedure by an OB/GYN or midwife to turn a breech baby, so this procedure is usually performed within close proximity to a hospital or birthing center in the event of a complication. 

When To Worry About Baby Being Breech

Talk to your doctor around week 37 if you are worried that your baby may be breech. It is a good idea to check in with your doctor earlier if you are having multiples and/or have a history of preterm labor. 

What To Do if the Baby Is Breech

Talk with your doctor to discuss all your options, including any changes that may need to be made to your birth plan. In addition to EVC, which is performed in a medical setting, you can try a number of natural remedies, including acupuncture, moxa, getting into child’s pose, and/or bridge pose. 

What Are the Risks of Turning a Breech Baby?

Turning a breech baby using EVC can result in preterm labor, premature rupture of amniotic sac, blood loss, or an emergency c-section. The procedure is performed by an OB/GYN or midwife and within close proximity to a hospital or birthing center in the event of a complication.

How Can I Turn My Breech Baby Naturally?

At Transformational Acupuncture we attempt to turn breech babies naturally through moxa treatments. We sometimes also pair moxa with acupuncture treatments. Moms to be may also try yoga poses such as child’s pose or bridge pose. 

Can Acupuncture Turn a Breech Baby?

Moxa has been shown to turn breech babies for 1 in 8 pregnancies. 

How Does Acupuncture Turn a Breech Baby?

Acupuncture supports the transition of yin energy to yang energy needed for labor and birth. Pairing acupuncture and moxa support this shift in energy and also harmonizes the energies of the Bladder, Kidney, and Heart. 

How To Use Moxa Sticks for Breech Baby

We use smokeless moxa sticks for breech baby treatments. Sticks will be placed near the bottom of the feet at the pinky toes. 

How Do I Know if My Breech Baby Has Turned?

You may feel the larger movements of the feet higher up in your belly if the turn is successful. If undergoing EVC, your doctor may also show you an ultrasound to show the position. 

How Does Labor Start With a Breech Baby?

Labor starts the same for breech babies, but a c-section will most likely be recommended. George Washington University Hospital has established a vaginal birth initiative (VBI) to increase access to, and training in, the process of vaginal breech delivery. The VBI is a collaborative care team composed of physicians and nurse-midwives that leads care of participating women.

Can You Deliver a Breech Baby?

It is possible to deliver breech babies vaginally. To decrease the risk of bodily harm and/or mental injury to the baby, George Washington University Hospital has established a vaginal birthing initiative. This approach involves a thorough antenatal screening, strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, rigorous informed consent, established delivery guidelines, and frequent simulation training. 

How To Deliver a Breech Baby?

There are many factors that your physician or other medical professionals will consider when determining the safety of delivering a breech baby vaginally. Talk to your physician about the vaginal birth initiative established by George Washington University Hospital, which includes screening criteria and established delivery guidelines. 

Do Breech Babies Cause More Discomfort?

You will likely not experience more discomfort if your baby is in breech position. However, you may feel movement lower down in your belly. 

Where Do You Feel Hiccups if Baby Is Breech?

You may feel your baby’s hiccups higher in your belly if your baby is breech. This can indicate that your baby’s chest is higher than if it were in vertex presentation. 

How To Sleep With a Breech Baby

It is unlikely that sleep position will impact the position of the baby. To give the baby more room to maybe turn, try sleeping on your side with pillows between your legs. 

What Percentage of Breech Babies Have Birth Defects?

Undergoing a c-section if your baby is breech is the safest way to prevent any injury during delivery. 

Do Breech Babies Have Problems Later in Life?

To prevent injury/harm during vaginal delivery of breech babies, George Washington University Hospital has created the vaginal birth initiative (VBI). It involves a collaborative care team following strict criteria and delivery guidelines. The majority of patients undergoing breech vaginal delivery through our VBI had a successful vaginal breech delivery.

Are Breech Babies More Intelligent?

There is no evidence that breech babies are more intelligent than other babies. 

How To Avoid Breech Position in Pregnancy

There is no way to prevent breech babies. The good news is that your baby can likely be turned through natural methods, including acupuncture, moxa, or EVC. Talk to your doctor if you believe your baby is in breech position. 

What To Expect

You can expect to find a partner in your health journey.

At Transformational Acupuncture, we strive to provide a welcoming environment to each and every patient. We understand traditional healthcare can make some wary of seeking help, even if it’s for the betterment of their health. That’s why we take a holistic approach when treating each person. You will be listened to, treated with respect, and be seen as a true partner in your own health journey.

At the beginning of your treatment you’ll be asked some basic questions so we can establish a good baseline. From there we’ll discuss your specific needs and issues. After hearing from you, we’ll create a holistic plan that is designed to help you live the balanced, healthy life you deserve.

Your Patient Journey

At the beginning of your treatment, you’ll be asked some basic questions so we can establish a good baseline. From there we will discuss your specific needs and issues. After hearing from you, we will create a holistic plan that is designed to help you live the balanced, healthy life you deserve.

Learn more about your complete patient journey.

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Begin your holistic health journey by scheduling an appointment today. Schedule online or give us a call at (202) 297-7404.

To learn if your insurance covers acupuncture and other treatments, please fill out our short form to verify your benefits with us.

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