Preparing for Labor and Delivery

Natural Ways To Prepare Your Body for Labor

Feel relaxed and prepared so you can be at your healthiest during this important time.

Mental and Physical Preparation for Labor and Delivery 

You and your baby have come a long way and now it’s time to get ready for labor and delivery. While nesting, prepping the baby’s room, and baby showers may be fun, trying to be fully ready for birth can become a bit overwhelming. We’re here to provide a way to prepare your body, both physically and mentally, for a smoother labor and delivery experience.

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Our Holistic Approach to Delivery and Labor

There is a good amount of physical and mental preparation needed for this stage of pregnancy. It’s important to find ways to stay physically healthy and also get in the right state of mind for labor and delivery. We’ll work with you to help you relax and reduce stress so you can feel your healthiest during this important time.

Natural Ways To Prepare for Labor

Giving birth is one of the most natural things in the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a lot of hard work! Eating nutrient-rich foods, getting daily exercise, and practicing mindfulness are all great ways to prep for labor. We’ll help create a fortifying treatment plan through Chinese medicine that will promote your best state of being.

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Herbal Medicine

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Acupuncture and E-Stim

Acupuncture and Labor Preparation

Choosing acupuncture for labor preparation is a great way to get you both physically and mentally ready for labor and delivery. This natural therapy improves blood flow and promotes the body’s ability to self-heal. It also reduces negative mental factors such as stress and anxiety.

Acupuncture To Induce Labor

Sometimes a medical situation makes labor induction necessary. In these instances, acupuncture to promote the onset of labor could be a good option when seeking natural ways to induce. After the 38th week, acupuncture uses certain acupuncture points to help bring the pregnancy to completion. Treatments help promote the onset of labor by stimulating the progression of normal bodily changes toward the end of the third trimester, including the dilation and effacement of the cervix. They can also reduce the need for medical interventions and reduce the length of time if induction is still needed.

During treatment, patients can expect to have acupuncture needles placed on the lower legs, hands, and the sacrum. We may also recommend electroacupuncture (e-stim) on the lower legs and hands.

Herbs for Labor and Delivery

There are a few Chinese herbs and herb formulas that can help promote the onset of labor. We also have some formula recommendations that help with recovery from labor and delivery, however, Chinese herbal formulas are tailored to the individual and must be taken under the care of a qualified herbalist. Please come in for a consultation if you are interested in Chinese herbs and formulas to assist during this time.

Herbs To Induce Labor

There are a few herbal remedies to induce labor, but Chinese herbs and herbal formulas are a completely customized medicine that is developed by a trained and qualified herbalist for each individual patient. We recommend only taking herbs in conjunction with other therapies and only after your 39th week.

Herbs To Make Labor Easier

We do not recommend taking herbs during labor. The labor of your baby is an intense and special time, and we generally recommend you have a team of healthcare professionals supporting you — midwife, OB/GYN, doula, and acupuncturist. Acupuncture can be an effective tool in helping your labor to progress and reducing the intense feeling of your contractions while maximizing their effectiveness.

Herbs for Labor Pain

We do not recommend taking herbs during labor. The labor of your baby is an intense and special time, and we generally recommend you have a team of healthcare professionals supporting you — midwife, OB/GYN, doula, and acupuncturist. Acupuncture can be an effective tool in helping your labor to progress and reducing the intense feeling of your contractions while maximizing their effectiveness.

Helping You Prepare for Labor Naturally


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Transformational Acupuncture came highly recommended from a trusted friend. After just one visit, I could see why. Dr. Miramon and staff are knowledgeable, patient, friendly, and nurturing. I had a positive outcome and I'm glad I took the leap with Transformational Acupuncture.

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Quiz – When Will I Go Into Labor?

When Will I Go Into Labor?

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Prepare for Labor

Both your body and your mind are preparing for labor. Some things in your body happen naturally but there are many ways to take care of yourself and your baby during this time. Of course, staying healthy is a big priority. Eat nutrient-dense foods, get a good amount of sleep, exercise, and find ways to relax. You can also take time to get some logistics squared away like packing a hospital bag, writing down your birth plan, and setting up a support system. Getting on top of these details can help you feel prepared and ready. 

How Does the Body Prepare for Labor?

The body prepares for labor in a number of ways in the weeks leading up to delivery. The baby will drop down into the pelvis, your cervix will begin to dilate and efface (thin), and you may experience cramping and lower back pain as your muscles and joints are stretching and shifting in preparation for birth. This is also when there is less amniotic fluid, which is why weight gain typically stops. You may also feel fatigued, like you did in the first trimester, as you prepare for labor. 

When Does Your Body Start Preparing for Labor?

Your body starts preparing for labor in the last 2-4 weeks leading up to delivery. If this is your first pregnancy, this is when your baby will drop. Your cervix will start to dilate and thin but this happens at different rates depending on the person. 

How Does Baby Prepare for Labor?

Your baby is still growing and will get into position for labor in the weeks leading up to the birth. 

What Does Induce Labor Mean?

Inducing labor is when your healthcare team starts the labor process by medication or other means (like breaking the amniotic sac). 

What Induces Labor?

Inducing labor is when a healthcare provider starts labor instead of labor starting on its own. A healthcare provider can induce labor in several ways: medication to dilate and efface the cervix, medication to start contractions, breaking the amniotic sac, or using a cervical ripening balloon. 

Is Induced Labor More Painful Than Natural

Induced labor can be more painful than natural labor. This is because contractions come on more quickly and stronger, as opposed to slowly building up. 

How Long Does Induced Labor Take?

Inducing labor can take as little as a few hours or as long as a few days. First-time pregnancies usually take longer. 

What Will Induce Labor Naturally?

There are several ways to induce labor naturally through physical movement and what you eat. Certain exercises, including intercourse and nipple stimulation, can induce labor. Red raspberry leaf and castor oil can also help. Acupuncture is another way to naturally promote the onset of labor. 

Can Exercise Induce Labor?

Yes, exercise can induce labor. However, before doing any exercises, it’s important to discuss options with your healthcare provider(s). They can help you find healthy ways to promote the onset of labor. 

What Exercises Induce Labor?

There are several exercises and poses that can help induce labor. Some options include sitting on a birthing ball with legs wide, pelvic tilts, butterfly pose, and walking. Before exercising, consult with your healthcare provider(s) to ensure you are being safe. 

Does Sex Induce Labor?

Yes, intercourse can induce labor if you are full or past-term. Genital stimulation, nipple stimulation, and orgasm can increase oxytocin levels which is a hormone produced by your body to trigger labor contractions when you’re ready to deliver. 

Can Orgasm Help Induce Labor?

Yes, orgasms can help induce labor once the baby is at full or past term. 

Does Nipple Stimulation Induce Labor?

Yes, nipple stimulation and genital stimulation can help induce labor. 

How Does Nipple Stimulation Work To Induce Labor?

Nipple stimulation can increase levels of oxytocin which is a hormone produced by your body to trigger labor contractions when you’re ready to deliver. 

How To Stimulate Nipples To Induce Labor

Nipple stimulation can release oxytocin, the hormone that drives labor contractions. Nipple sensitivity and pleasure derived from nipple stimulation vary from person to person. 

How Long Does Nipple Stimulation Take To Induce Labor?

There is no particular length of time nipples need to be stimulated in order to increase levels of oxytocin. It is down to the individual’s nipple sensitivity and desire for nipple stimulation. 

Does Acupuncture Induce Labor?

Acupuncture does not induce labor but it can promote the onset of labor. Induction is a medical term applied to pharmaceutical medications and medical techniques to induce labor. 

Is Acupuncture Safe To Induce Labor?

Acupuncture is a safe way to promote the onset of labor for most people. This natural method can be considered safer than medical induction. Speak to your healthcare provider to discuss your options and what is right for you. 

How Does Acupuncture Help Induce Labor?

Acupuncture after the 38th week uses certain acupuncture points to help bring the pregnancy to completion. Acupuncture helps promote the onset of labor by promoting the progression of normal bodily changes toward the end of the third trimester, including the dilation and effacement of the cervix. 

How Effective Is Acupuncture To Induce Labor?

Acupuncture is very effective in promoting the onset of labor. In our clinic, less than 5%  of over 100 patients treated in the past year have had to be medically induced. Those that were medically induced had shorter inductions and required minimally invasive induction techniques. 

When To Start Acupuncture To Induce Labor?

Acupuncture to help promote the onset of labor and bring pregnancy to completion starts during the 38th week of pregnancy. 

How Long Does It Take for Acupuncture To Induce Labor?

Acupuncture to help bring the pregnancy to completion starts in week 38 and can last anywhere from 1-12 treatments. The number of treatments depends on when you start. 

How Many Acupuncture Sessions Will I Need To Induce Labor?

Acupuncture and pregnancy progress differ from person to person. The number of treatments can vary, ranging from 1-12 sessions starting in week 38. 

What To Do After Acupuncture To Induce Labor

After receiving acupuncture, we provide you with recommended exercises and other lifestyle recommendations to help you promote the onset of labor.

What Herbs Help Induce Labor?

We only recommend Chinese herbs like red raspberry leaf tea and castor oil toward the end of pregnancy. Schedule an herbal consultation during your next appointment to learn more. 

Should I Take Herbs To Induce Labor?

Taking herbs to induce labor is a personal preference. At our clinic, we only recommend a few herbs during the later stages of pregnancy. 

Does Castor Oil Induce Labor?

Castor oil may promote labor by stimulating contractions in the uterus. Consult with your healthcare provider before taking castor oil. 

Is Castor Oil Safe To Induce Labor?

Castor oil is a stimulant to the bowels which can result in uterine contractions, nausea, diarrhea, and/or vomiting. 

How Much Castor Oil Should I Take To Induce Labor?

Castor oil can help stimulate contraction in the uterus but should not be taken for labor induction without first consulting a medical professional. 

Does Eating Dates Induce Labor?

No, eating dates have not been shown to induce labor. However, eating dates during pregnancy provides you with a good source of fiber, iron, and vitamin K.

What To Expect

You can expect to find a partner in your health journey.

At Transformational Acupuncture, we strive to provide a welcoming environment to each and every patient. We understand traditional healthcare can make some wary of seeking help, even if it’s for the betterment of their health. That’s why we take a holistic approach when treating each person. You will be listened to, treated with respect, and be seen as a true partner in your own health journey.

At the beginning of your treatment you’ll be asked some basic questions so we can establish a good baseline. From there we’ll discuss your specific needs and issues. After hearing from you, we’ll create a holistic plan that is designed to help you live the balanced, healthy life you deserve.

Your Patient Journey

At the beginning of your treatment, you’ll be asked some basic questions so we can establish a good baseline. From there we will discuss your specific needs and issues. After hearing from you, we will create a holistic plan that is designed to help you live the balanced, healthy life you deserve.

Learn more about your complete patient journey.

Get Started Today

Begin your holistic health journey by scheduling an appointment today. Schedule online or give us a call at (202) 297-7404.

To learn if your insurance covers acupuncture and other treatments, please fill out our short form to verify your benefits with us.

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